Eduardo Vásquezprojectsexperience

Most used tech stacks

Web - MERN

Web - MERN5+ years

MongoDB + Express + React + Node


Mobile5+ years

React Native + C# + MongoDB


Web3+ years

TypeScript + Python + MongoDB


Mobile2 years

React Native + Python + MongoDB

Some of the main services I provide are:

Software Analyst

Several years in the industry have provided me with enough experience to provide this service. I help entrepeneurs and stablished companies to scale and improve their existing or new solutions.

Ideal for starting new projects.

Aid in scaling existing projects and complete documentation.

Infer and document possible flaws and opportunities to improve.

Software Developer

My main work and also what I love to do. Paired with experience in software analysis, I tend to provide the most efficient solutions for any project.

Desgin scalable systems that are 'bug-proof'.

Develop and test solutions before delivering to end users.

Document and maintain systems through continuous integration and continuous improvement.

Aid in the entire development life cycle.

Hardware maintenance

Owner of a small business that provides hardware related services for other companies. We also do design, but I have been working independently before graduating from college.

Analysis and aid in setting up new office spaces.

Aid in improving network capacities and range.

Basic hardware maintenance such as cleaning and upgrading personal computers.

Complete services for medium and large companies.

Technical Interviewer

Due to several years of experience with a couple of tech stacks, I sometimes help out as a technical interviewer.

I produce effective and understandable ways to evaluate possible candidates, testing both, their soft and technical skills.

Full focus on the job, from creating customized technical assessments to conduct second interviews in case of doubt.

Always in motion the future is. - Yoda